Holidays can be a stressful time for many people, especially those families in which the parents are divorced. Issues regarding child visitation or parent time schedules can compound the strain that may occurs. There may be concerns that may require both parents reevaluating their holiday parent time schedules.
If your parent time schedule is no longer benefiting your child, and you have valid reason wanting it modified, Wall Legal Solutions may be able to help you. We have team of talented attorneys who will work to obtain the parent time schedule that is in the best interest of your children.
Holiday Arrangements For Divorced Parents
Whether or not a divorcing couple is able to create and agree to customized parent time schedules or the court has to intervene and make the schedules for them, parent time schedules are intended to provide parents with enough quality time with their children. However, unless there is an alternative schedule that has been agreed upon by both parents, the parent time schedule for the holidays as it appears in Utah’s law code can interrupt parents’ time with their children. In the event you and your spouse are unable to come to an agreement about changing the visitation schedule, you should default to the final child custody ruling, which was created to be objective, fair and in the best interest of the children.
Tips to Make Holiday Parent Time Schedules Easier
There are a few practices that both parents can incorporate in their dealings with one another to make changing their holiday parent time schedules easier for all parties involved, especially the children. As always, the guiding factor regarding the decisions made about child visitation issues should be what is most beneficial for the children.
- Work to Avoid Conflict. While cooperating with your ex-spouse is optimal, it may be better for ex-spouses to have a separate holiday times with the children to reduce the chances of conflict. This can prevent the children from being stressed or emotionally at odds from observing their parents in conflict with one another. If necessary, both parents may have to behave in a business-like manner with one another in front of the children to avoid tension.
- Communicate Effectively. Regardless of their relationship, both parents should be able to communicate openly and truthfully regarding matters concerning their children.
- Be Accommodating. Both parents should also make the effort to be obliging to other whenever possible regarding schedule changes. For example, spouses can swap holidays if there is a work-related issue that requires a spouse to be unavailable for an already allotted holiday.
- Discuss Holiday Scheduling in Advance. Holiday plans can be addressed well in advance of the holidays to avoid any confusion or quarrels about with whom the children will be. As soon as plans are finalized, the children should be advised of where they will be spending their holidays to prevent any anxiety they may have regarding the upcoming holiday.
Your Child Visitation Schedule Advocate
The attorneys at Wall Legal Solutions can provide you with the legal representation you need that may help you with your child visitation issues. In addition to providing legal services for family law matters, we also advocate for our clients in legal matters concerning criminal defense, personal injury, real estate and more. Contact us here, or call 801-441-2388 today to schedule an initial consultation during which we can examine the facts of your situation and determine how we may best be able to help you.
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