All posts in Divorce

What Happens in a Divorce With a Prenup vs. Without a Prenup?

In this blog, you will learn… Prenup Meaning What Does a Prenup Do? Things a Prenup Cannot Do: Don’t Have a Prenup Should I Get a Prenup? How To Get a Prenup? Prenups (prenuptial agreements) were once typically used only by the wealthiest couples. But, over the past couple of decades, this legal agreement has become more and more common. People planning their marriages naturally want to protect their spouses and themselves from unexpected future difficulties. Getting a prenup is…

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Denial of Visitation Rights

When can you deny a parent from seeing their child? This may be an uncomfortable question, but it’s a necessary one when it comes to working out the details of visitation rights. Understanding the rules has a lot to do with how the courts view the topic. At Wall & Wall Attorneys at Law, P.C., we understand the nuances behind every divorce, which is why this topic can be more complicated than it first appears. We’ll look at the premise…

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How to Keep Your Cool When Filing Tax Return After Divorce

Going through a divorce is hard enough already. When you throw in filing taxes as a separated or divorced couple, it can seem overwhelming. The first thing you and your former spouse need to do is determine your filing status. What is Your New Filing Status After Divorce? How does divorce affect taxes? It turns out in nearly every way possible. While your filing status probably remained unchanged and was automatic during your marriage, that is no longer the case.…

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3 Critical Prenuptial Agreement Clauses For Every Couple to Include

Many people have the wrong idea about prenuptial agreements, thinking that they apply exclusively to settling the terms of a divorce. Because of this, there is a false notion floating around that prenuptial agreements are signs of cynicism surrounding a marriage. The truth is that the best prenuptial agreement sets the terms for the different conditions that may arise over the course of a marriage. It can actually provide a fantastic opportunity for a couple to have difficult conversations and…

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Key Tips for Sharing a Home with a Spouse During the Divorce Process

Going through a divorce can be a complicated process; however, when someone is living with a spouse while going through a divorce, the situation can get messy. It is important for every spouse to understand the living arrangements during a divorce. There are tips that everyone can follow that can help people surviving to live together during divorce. Following this helpful advice can make a challenging process unfold as smoothly as possible. Place the Kids First in a Divorce Always…

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