All posts in Divorce

Divorcing? What To Do If Your Spouse Is Hiding Assets

If you’re going through a divorce, do you know where all the money is? Do you suspect your spouse is hiding something? Wall and Wall Attorneys at Law wants you to understand the signs that a person may not be telling you everything, and what to do about a failure to provide financial disclosure. What is Financial Disclosure During Divorce? In a divorce, both parties fill out a divorce financial disclosure form where they list all their income and assets.…

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Understanding the Stages of Divorce

The stages of divorce include several legal, emotional, and spiritual aspects before it’s truly complete. Although a difficult process that no one would choose if they could avoid it, divorce can also be extremely edifying and allow you to move on with your life and make better choices in the future. Mental or Cognitive Separation One of the first stages of the divorce process is mental or cognitive separation. This primarily happens in the mind of one or both parties…

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Divorce Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid

Although 40-50% of the married couples in the U.S. end up divorcing, only 5% of divorce cases end up in a trial. The divorcing couple is often faced with psychological, financial, and legal challenges which can cloud their better judgment. In this post, we discuss a few mistakes you need to avoid during your divorce negotiations. Not having a divorce settlement checklist Most divorcing couples think that merely because they will not be going to court, they do not need…

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How to Co-Parent Effectively After a Divorce

Are you in the beginning stages of divorce and have questions and concerns about how to best help your children transition to a new family structure? If so, you’ll be glad to know that things have changed significantly since the days when judges routinely awarded custody to one parent while the other made do with cookie-cutter visitation rights that entailed every other weekend, every Wednesday night, and six weeks during summer break from school. Today’s courts are far more likely…

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4 Reasons Why Taking a Vacation After Divorce is Good for Your Health

Vacation can be hard to come by with the obligations that come with both personal relationships and professional life. On the other hand, taking a vacation also has numerous benefits for both personal and professional relationships. When people go on vacation and change the scenery, they stimulate an increase in creativity. This is one of the reasons that those who build a career in the arts almost have a mobile workshop or studio. The change in scenery helps to stimulate…

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