All posts in Divorce

5 Ways to Build a Strong and Healthy Bond with Your Stepchildren

When someone develops a romantic relationship with another person who already has kids, they might have trouble navigating life with stepchildren. It can be hard for children to adjust to a new authority figure in their life; however, this relationship could also be very beneficial for not only the parents but the children as well. Because of this, it is important for stepparents to know how to bond with stepchildren. There are several helpful tips that every stepparent should keep…

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The Financial Challenges of Divorce with Kids

Marriage and Finances One of the advantages of marriage and finances is the ability to combine assets and resources to achieve a higher standard of living. Some of those assets, such as earnings or property, can be easily measured in dollars. The value of other resources provided by marriage, like emotional support, is more difficult to calculate. However, when emotional support is lost, it can affect every aspect of life, including financial earning power. Financial issues are one of the…

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Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes In Divorce Court

Even before you stand before a judge in divorce court, you’ve already been through experiences that can be unnerving as you look to protect your assets and other rights. But, going to court without a lawyer is a pitfall that can derail your best-laid plans and end up costing you more than you’re willing to give up. One of the many reasons to hire a divorce attorney in SLC is to prepare you for a successful court proceeding – making…

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What I Learned From My Divorce That Has Made Me Who I Am Today

Getting to the other side of our divorce was difficult, but it taught me how to ask for help. Through the bad days and through the lonely months when I longed for the comforts of family tradition and missed the laughter of friends gathered in the backyard, I began to discover values that eventually made our family stronger. Now I have learned to have an open mind and a willingness to work together for the sake of our children, extended…

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5 Reasons Why Marriage in Utah Can Be Better the Second Time

Second Marriage Success Are you getting married for the second time? Getting a divorce in Utah is the kind of emotional and mental stress that also materializes as physical stress. A divorce can literally consume you. And why not? Emotions. Finances. Children — if any. These things all complicate a divorce. So, once the divorce is completed and you have moved on, why would you ever think a successful second marriage could ever prove possible? Our SLC, Utah divorce attorneys at Wall & Wall…

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