All posts in Family Law

Selling a Home During Divorce: What to Consider

Selling your home as part of the divorce process can cause serious financial consequences since everything is done hurriedly and lots of emotions are involved. As such, serious considerations should be made by the divorcing couple to ensure that their marital differences do not end up in financial strain. Undoubtedly, one of the questions which will linger in your mind during such a situation is, do I have to sell my house in a divorce? Also, you need to know…

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Marriage Mementos: Keep or Toss?

What should we do with marriage mementos? When we tie the knot, we believe it lifetime journey. Sadly, some marriages end sooner than anticipated while others continue to thrive. Emotional confusion enables us to somehow pull through from all the chaos involved in the divorce process. Moving on after divorce involves physical and emotional aspects. The process may be painful at first depending on the reasons for our break up. However, every divorce is unique and should be treated as…

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3 Ways to Mess Up Your Prenup

Marriages can turn ugly at certain times forcing spouses to go separate ways. A divorce is an expensive and emotional affair to deal with when it happens. If you have been married before, you know how things can unravel. If you are looking forward to your first marriage, it’s always good to prepare for any eventuality. In every divorce case, each party feels that he/she is disadvantaged and that the settlement agreement should favor him/her. Most partners tend to draft…

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10 Co-Parenting New Year’s Resolutions

Co-parenting is a complicated proposition that few people are prepared for or happy to encounter. This setup can work out well, though, if both parents assume a mature, responsible, and put the-children-first attitude. What often happens, however, is that one parent (or maybe both) act childishly or vindictively. Or maybe both mean well, but one is too permissive, while the other one is too stern. In a perfect world, both parents should get everything they want while children get the…

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10 Tips for Stepparents Entering a Blended Family

So, you’re getting remarried and both you and your new spouse have children? Wondering what to expect? Picturing reruns of The Brady Bunch? We hate to break it to you, but not every blended family gets along as well as they did. However, there are some things you can do to help make the transition into a blended family easier. 1. Get to Know the Kids You probably won’t fall in love with your new spouse’s children overnight. Feelings of…

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